편집 파일: english.php
<?php $lang['admin_action_get_catalog'] = 'Install Games'; $lang['admin_processed_pages'] = 'Processed pages:'; $lang['admin_total_pages'] = 'Total pages:'; $lang['admin_total_games'] = 'Total games:'; $lang['admin_installing_dont_close'] = 'Don\'t close this window'; $lang['admin_premium_games_installed'] = 'Games installed successfully!'; $lang['admin_install_premium_games'] = 'Install Games'; # Title $lang['page_home'] = 'Home'; $lang['page_error'] = 'Error'; $lang['page_login'] = 'Login'; $lang['page_signup'] = 'Sign Up'; $lang['page_categories'] = 'Categories'; $lang['page_community'] = 'Community'; $lang['page_search'] = 'Search'; $lang['page_setting'] = 'Setting'; $lang['page_admin'] = 'Panel'; $lang['page_user_not_found'] = 'User not found'; $lang['page_game_not_found'] = 'Game not found'; $lang['page_section_info'] = 'Information'; $lang['page_section_avatar'] = 'Avatar'; $lang['page_section_theme'] = 'Theme'; $lang['page_section_password'] = 'Password'; $lang['page_section_not_found'] = 'Section not found'; $lang['page_admin_section_global'] = 'Main'; $lang['page_admin_section_addgame'] = 'Add game'; $lang['page_admin_section_setting'] = 'Setting'; $lang['page_admin_section_games'] = 'Games'; $lang['page_admin_section_categories'] = 'Categories'; $lang['page_admin_section_users'] = 'Edit users'; $lang['page_admin_section_ads'] = 'Ads'; $lang['page_admin_section_reports'] = 'Reports'; $lang['admin_category_edit'] = 'Editing category'; $lang['admin_category_add'] = 'Adding category'; $lang['admin_game_edit'] = 'Editing game'; $lang['admin_user_edit'] = 'Editing user'; # Login and registration $lang['header_login'] = 'Sign In'; $lang['user_email'] = 'Username'; $lang['user'] = 'User'; $lang['password'] = 'Password'; $lang['sign_in'] = 'Login'; $lang['sign_up'] = 'Sign Up'; $lang['email'] = 'Email'; $lang['name'] = 'Name'; # Header $lang['menu'] = 'Menu'; $lang['view_profile'] = 'View Profile'; $lang['edit_profile'] = 'Edit Profile'; $lang['admin_panel'] = 'Admin Panel'; $lang['logout'] = 'Logout'; $lang['community'] = 'Community'; $lang['categories'] = 'Category'; $lang['home'] = 'Home'; $lang['search_games'] = 'Search games...'; $lang['my_xp_points'] = 'My XP points'; # Footer $lang['en'] = 'English'; $lang['es'] = 'Spanish'; $lang['fr'] = 'French'; # Setting $lang['settings'] = 'Settings'; $lang['configuration'] = 'Configuration'; $lang['male'] = 'Male'; $lang['female'] = 'Female'; $lang['save'] = 'Save'; $lang['save_image'] = 'Save image'; $lang['view_more'] = 'View more'; $lang['avatar'] = 'Avatar'; $lang['general_config'] = 'General configuration'; $lang['activity_register'] = 'Activity register'; $lang['theme'] = 'Themes'; $lang['general'] = 'General'; $lang['avatar'] = 'Avatar'; $lang['theme'] = 'Theme'; $lang['logs'] = 'Logs'; $lang['change_password'] = 'Change password'; $lang['current_password'] = 'Current password'; $lang['new_password'] = 'New password'; $lang['repeat_new_password'] = 'Repeat new password'; # Ajax request $lang['user_lock'] = 'Your account is suspended'; $lang['normal_login'] = 'Common login'; $lang['invalid_data'] = 'Some data are invalid'; $lang['empty_place'] = 'There are some empty fields'; $lang['secure_login'] = 'Secure login'; $lang['invalid_email'] = 'The email is invalid'; $lang['email_used'] = 'This email is used'; $lang['username_used'] = 'This username is used'; $lang['upload_image_success'] = 'The image was uploaded successfully'; $lang['updated_profile_picture'] = 'It was changed the profile picture'; $lang['error_message'] = 'Unexpected error, try again later'; $lang['message_select_image'] = 'You must select a image'; $lang['no_support_file'] = 'There\'s not support to this file/image!'; $lang['max_avatar_size_exceeded'] = 'Max file size exceeded. Limit: 1MB'; $lang['invalid_pin'] = 'The PIN is invalid'; $lang['user_not_admin'] = 'This user is not an admin'; $lang['name_exceed'] = 'The name must not exceed 20 characters'; $lang['name_char_invalid'] = 'The name characters are not valid'; $lang['fields_spaces'] = 'Fields shouldn\'t be just spaces'; $lang['password_contain_digits'] = 'The password must contain more than 5 digits'; $lang['user_contain_digits'] = 'The user must contain more than 3 digits and less than 11'; $lang['user_char_invalid'] = 'The user characters are not valid'; $lang['image_small'] = 'This image is very small'; $lang['info_saved'] = 'The information was saved successfully'; $lang['description_long'] = 'The description is very long'; $lang['theme_updated'] = 'Theme updated successfully'; $lang['password_changed'] = 'Password changed successfully'; $lang['password_dont_match'] = 'The passwords don\'t match'; $lang['current_password_invalid'] = 'Current password is invalid'; $lang['game_saved'] = 'Game saved successfully'; $lang['fileurl_empty'] = 'The URL of the file is empty'; $lang['imageurl_empty'] = 'The URL of the image is empty'; $lang['error_image_size'] = 'Error in the image size'; $lang['error_file_upload'] = 'Error when trying to upload the file'; $lang['error_file_extension'] = 'Error in the file extension'; $lang['message_select_img_files'] = 'You must select some file or image'; $lang['category_registered'] = 'Category registered successfully'; $lang['category_name_exceed'] = 'The category name must be less than 15 characters'; $lang['invalid_characters'] = 'Some characters are not valid'; $lang['category_exists'] = 'This category already exists'; $lang['must_enter_name'] = 'You must enter a name'; $lang['category_edited'] = 'Category edited successfully'; $lang['setting_saved'] = 'Setting saved successfully'; $lang['user_not_exists'] = 'The user does not exists'; $lang['ads_saved'] = 'ADS saved successfully'; $lang['games_added_catalog'] = 'Games added to catalog successfully'; $lang['all_games_published'] = 'All games published successfully'; # Profile $lang['user_not_played'] = 'hasn\'t played anything'; $lang['user_not_favorite'] = 'has no favorite games'; $lang['new_games_visited'] = 'New games visited'; $lang['my_favorite_games'] = 'My favorite games'; $lang['not_description'] = 'hasn\'t a description'; $lang['xp_points'] = 'XP Points'; $lang['profile_information'] = 'Information'; # Home $lang['featured_games'] = 'Featured games'; $lang['most_played'] = 'Games most played'; $lang['new_games'] = 'New games'; $lang['games'] = 'Games'; $lang['plays'] = 'Plays'; $lang['of_5_stars'] = 'of 5 Stars'; $lang['top_stars'] = 'Top stars'; $lang['top_users_xp'] = 'Top users with XP'; # Community $lang['top_xp'] = 'Top XP'; $lang['xp'] = 'XP'; # Game $lang['new'] = 'New'; $lang['instructions'] = 'Instructions'; $lang['description'] = 'Description'; $lang['added'] = 'Added'; $lang['played'] = 'Played'; $lang['random_games'] = 'Random games'; $lang['congrats'] = 'Congratulations!'; $lang['msg_alert_xp_1'] = 'You have earned'; $lang['msg_alert_xp_2'] = 'experience points by play this game'; $lang['msg_alert_xp_3'] = 'You should login or sign up to save the experience points earned!'; $lang['msg_alert_fv_1'] = 'Game added to your favorites successfully...'; $lang['msg_alert_report'] = 'Your report was sent, in a moments we will be fixing your problem...'; $lang['msg_alert_report_error'] = 'An error has occurred to send your report. Try again later!'; # General $lang['advertising'] = 'Advertising'; $lang['install'] = 'Install'; $lang['installed'] = 'Installed'; $lang['catalog_empty'] = 'Catalog empty...'; $lang['or'] = 'or'; $lang['favorited'] = '+1 Game favorited'; $lang['search_to'] = 'Search to:'; $lang['search'] = 'Search'; $lang['error_404'] = 'Error 404'; $lang['error_game_404'] = 'Game not found'; $lang['maintenance_on'] = 'Maintenance'; $lang['admin_panel'] = 'Admin panel'; $lang['ip_address'] = 'IP Address'; $lang['user_rank'] = 'Rank'; $lang['lang'] = 'Language'; $lang['user_about'] = 'About'; $lang['user_gender'] = 'Gender'; $lang['user_username'] = 'Username'; $lang['user_active'] = 'Active'; $lang['search_not_found'] = 'Search not found'; $lang['search_alert_msg'] = 'There aren\'t results for this search...'; $lang['profile_not_found'] = 'Profile not found'; $lang['view'] = 'View'; $lang['no_reports'] = 'Not reports found...'; $lang['no_games'] = 'Not games found...'; $lang['change'] = 'Change'; $lang['edit'] = 'Edit'; $lang['delete'] = 'Delete'; $lang['seconds_to_remove_ads'] = 'seconds to remove ads'; $lang['remove_ads'] = 'Remove ads'; $lang['play_to'] = 'Play to'; $lang['no_games_found'] = 'No games found'; $lang['no_users_found'] = 'No users found'; $lang['no_category_found'] = 'No category found'; # Administration $lang['administration'] = 'Dashboard'; $lang['game_name'] = 'Game name'; $lang['game_description'] = 'Game description'; $lang['game_instructions'] = 'Instructions'; $lang['game_width'] = 'Width'; $lang['game_height'] = 'Height'; $lang['game_category'] = 'Category'; $lang['game_rating'] = 'Rating'; $lang['game_image'] = 'Game image'; $lang['game_file'] = 'Game file'; $lang['game_size'] = 'Game size:'; $lang['game_type_swf'] = 'Flash SWF'; $lang['game_type_html'] = 'HTML'; $lang['game_published'] = 'Published'; $lang['game_featured'] = 'Featured'; $lang['game_add'] = 'Add game'; $lang['save_game'] = 'Save game'; $lang['site_name'] = 'Site name'; $lang['site_desc'] = 'Site description'; $lang['site_keywords'] = 'Site keywords'; $lang['site_url'] = 'Site url'; $lang['site_xp_play'] = 'XP by play'; $lang['site_xp_report'] = 'XP by report'; $lang['site_xp_register'] = 'XP by register'; $lang['site_logo'] = 'Site logo'; $lang['site_template'] = 'Template'; $lang['site_lang'] = 'Language'; $lang['site_maintenance_status'] = 'Maintenance'; $lang['site_ads_status'] = 'Ads status'; $lang['site_maintenance_message'] = 'Maintenance message'; $lang['site_admin_pin'] = 'Admin PIN'; $lang['site_games_featured'] = 'Games featured'; $lang['site_games_mp'] = 'Games most played'; $lang['add_new_category'] = 'Add new category'; $lang['add'] = 'Add'; $lang['category_name'] = 'Category name'; $lang['id_username'] = 'ID or Username'; $lang['menu_global'] = 'Dashboard'; $lang['menu_addgame'] = 'Add game'; $lang['menu_setting'] = 'Setting'; $lang['menu_games'] = 'Games'; $lang['menu_categories'] = 'Categories'; $lang['menu_edit_users'] = 'Edit users'; $lang['menu_ads'] = 'Ads'; $lang['menu_games_catalog'] = 'Games catalog'; $lang['menu_reports'] = 'Reports'; $lang['my_profile'] = 'My profile'; $lang['status_admin'] = 'Admin'; $lang['status_user'] = 'User'; $lang['ads_header'] = 'Header'; $lang['ads_footer'] = 'Footer'; $lang['ads_home_sidebar'] = 'Home Sidebar'; $lang['ads_game_section_top'] = 'Game section top'; $lang['ads_game_section_bottom'] = 'Game section bottom'; $lang['ads_game_section_info'] = 'Game section info'; $lang['games_installed'] = 'Games installed'; $lang['users_registered'] = 'Users registered'; $lang['categories_registered'] = 'Categories'; $lang['games_in_catalog'] = 'Games in catalog'; $lang['last_users_registered'] = 'Last users registered'; $lang['last_users_logged'] = 'Last users logged'; $lang['publish_all_games'] = 'Publish all'; $lang['error_empty_request'] = 'Error empty request'; $lang['game_played_analytics'] = 'Game played analytics';