편집 파일: font_family.js
import { LabelControl } from './label'; import { pagelayer_link_font_family } from './typography'; const { pagelayer_fonts } = pagelayer_config; export const FontFamilyControl = (props) =>{ const { prop, value, setAttributes } = props; const { name } = prop['c']; var values = pagelayerParseTypo(value, false); // Convert the jQuery function to a React method const handleInputChange = (e) => { pagelayer_link_font_family(jQuery(e.target)); setAttributes({ [name]: e.target.value }); }; const options = []; const createFontOption = (val, lang, type, setVal) => { const selected = val !== setVal ? '' : 'selected="selected"'; const displayLang = lang || 'Default'; return ( <option className="pagelayer-elp-select-option" value={val} type={type} selected={selected} > {displayLang} </option> ); }; for(const y in pagelayer_fonts){ if(y != 'default'){ options.push(<optgroup label={pagelayerUcwords(y)} />); } for (const x in pagelayer_fonts[y]) { options.push( createFontOption( jQuery.isNumeric(x) ? pagelayer_fonts[y][x] : x, pagelayer_fonts[y][x], y, values[0] ) ); } } return ( <div className="components-base-control pagelayer-base-control"> <LabelControl {...props}/> <div class="pagelayer-elp-select-div pagelayer-elp-pos-rel"> <select className="pagelayer-elp-select pagelayer-select" onChange={handleInputChange} name={prop.c['name']}>{options}</select> </div> </div> ); }