편집 파일: Bootstrap.php
<?php namespace Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Domain; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Assets as BlockAssets; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Assets\Api as AssetApi; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Assets\AssetDataRegistry; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Assets\BackCompatAssetDataRegistry; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Library; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Installer; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Registry\Container; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\RestApi; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Payments\Api as PaymentsApi; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Payments\PaymentMethodRegistry; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Payments\Integrations\Stripe; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Payments\Integrations\Cheque; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Payments\Integrations\PayPal; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Payments\Integrations\BankTransfer; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Payments\Integrations\CashOnDelivery; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Domain\Services\DraftOrders; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Domain\Services\CreateAccount; use Automattic\Kkart\Blocks\Domain\Services\Email\CustomerNewAccount; /** * Takes care of bootstrapping the plugin. * * @since 2.5.0 */ class Bootstrap { /** * Holds the Dependency Injection Container * * @var Container */ private $container; /** * Holds the Package instance * * @var Package */ private $package; /** * Constructor * * @param Container $container The Dependency Injection Container. */ public function __construct( Container $container ) { $this->container = $container; $this->package = $container->get( Package::class ); $this->init(); /** * Usable as a safe event hook for when the plugin has been loaded. */ do_action( 'kkart_blocks_loaded' ); } /** * Init the package - load the blocks library and define constants. */ protected function init() { if ( ! $this->has_core_dependencies() ) { return; } $this->define_feature_flag(); $this->register_dependencies(); $this->register_payment_methods(); $is_rest = kkart()->is_rest_api_request(); // Load assets in admin and on the frontend. if ( ! $is_rest ) { $this->add_build_notice(); $this->container->get( AssetDataRegistry::class ); $this->container->get( Installer::class ); BlockAssets::init(); } $this->container->get( DraftOrders::class )->init(); $this->container->get( CreateAccount::class )->init(); $this->container->get( PaymentsApi::class ); $this->container->get( RestApi::class ); Library::init(); } /** * Check core dependencies exist. * * @return boolean */ protected function has_core_dependencies() { return class_exists( 'Kkart' ) && function_exists( 'register_block_type' ); } /** * See if files have been built or not. * * @return bool */ protected function is_built() { return file_exists( $this->package->get_path( 'build/featured-product.js' ) ); } /** * Add a notice stating that the build has not been done yet. */ protected function add_build_notice() { if ( $this->is_built() ) { return; } add_action( 'admin_notices', function() { echo '<div class="error"><p>'; printf( /* Translators: %1$s is the install command, %2$s is the build command, %3$s is the watch command. */ esc_html__( 'Kkart Blocks development mode requires files to be built. From the plugin directory, run %1$s to install dependencies, %2$s to build the files or %3$s to build the files and watch for changes.', 'kkart' ), '<code>npm install</code>', '<code>npm run build</code>', '<code>npm start</code>' ); echo '</p></div>'; } ); } /** * Define the global feature flag. */ protected function define_feature_flag() { $default_flag = defined( 'KKART_BLOCKS_IS_FEATURE_PLUGIN' ) ? '2' : '1'; $allowed_flags = [ '1', '2', '3' ]; if ( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/../../blocks.ini' ) ) { $woo_options = parse_ini_file( __DIR__ . '/../../blocks.ini' ); $flag = is_array( $woo_options ) && in_array( $woo_options['kkart_blocks_phase'], $allowed_flags, true ) ? $woo_options['kkart_blocks_phase'] : $default_flag; } else { $flag = $default_flag; } define( 'KKART_BLOCKS_PHASE', intval( $flag ) ); } /** * Register core dependencies with the container. */ protected function register_dependencies() { $this->container->register( AssetApi::class, function ( Container $container ) { return new AssetApi( $container->get( Package::class ) ); } ); $this->container->register( AssetDataRegistry::class, function( Container $container ) { $asset_api = $container->get( AssetApi::class ); $load_back_compat = defined( 'KKART_ADMIN_VERSION_NUMBER' ) && version_compare( KKART_ADMIN_VERSION_NUMBER, '0.19.0', '<=' ); return $load_back_compat ? new BackCompatAssetDataRegistry( $asset_api ) : new AssetDataRegistry( $asset_api ); } ); $this->container->register( PaymentMethodRegistry::class, function( Container $container ) { return new PaymentMethodRegistry(); } ); $this->container->register( PaymentsApi::class, function ( Container $container ) { $payment_method_registry = $container->get( PaymentMethodRegistry::class ); $asset_data_registry = $container->get( AssetDataRegistry::class ); return new PaymentsApi( $payment_method_registry, $asset_data_registry ); } ); $this->container->register( RestApi::class, function ( Container $container ) { return new RestApi(); } ); $this->container->register( Installer::class, function ( Container $container ) { return new Installer(); } ); $this->container->register( DraftOrders::class, function( Container $container ) { return new DraftOrders( $container->get( Package::class ) ); } ); $this->container->register( CreateAccount::class, function( Container $container ) { return new CreateAccount( $container->get( Package::class ) ); } ); } /** * Register payment method integrations with the container. * * @internal Stripe is a temporary method that is used for setting up payment method integrations with Cart and * Checkout blocks. This logic should get moved to the payment gateway extensions. */ protected function register_payment_methods() { $this->container->register( Stripe::class, function( Container $container ) { $asset_api = $container->get( AssetApi::class ); return new Stripe( $asset_api ); } ); $this->container->register( Cheque::class, function( Container $container ) { $asset_api = $container->get( AssetApi::class ); return new Cheque( $asset_api ); } ); $this->container->register( PayPal::class, function( Container $container ) { $asset_api = $container->get( AssetApi::class ); return new PayPal( $asset_api ); } ); $this->container->register( BankTransfer::class, function( Container $container ) { $asset_api = $container->get( AssetApi::class ); return new BankTransfer( $asset_api ); } ); $this->container->register( CashOnDelivery::class, function( Container $container ) { $asset_api = $container->get( AssetApi::class ); return new CashOnDelivery( $asset_api ); } ); } }