편집 파일: ActivityPanels.php
<?php /** * Kkart Activity Panel. * NOTE: DO NOT edit this file in Kkart core, this is generated from kkart-admin. */ namespace Automattic\Kkart\Admin\Features; use Automattic\Kkart\Admin\Notes\Notes; /** * Contains backend logic for the activity panel feature. */ class ActivityPanels { /** * Class instance. * * @var ActivityPanels instance */ protected static $instance = null; /** * Low Stock Transient Name. */ const LOW_STOCK_TRANSIENT_NAME = 'kkart_admin_low_out_of_stock_count'; /** * Get class instance. */ public static function get_instance() { if ( ! self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Hook into Kkart. */ public function __construct() { add_filter( 'kkart_admin_get_user_data_fields', array( $this, 'add_user_data_fields' ) ); // Run after Automattic\Kkart\Admin\Loader. add_filter( 'kkart_components_settings', array( $this, 'component_settings' ), 20 ); // New settings injection. add_filter( 'kkart_shared_settings', array( $this, 'component_settings' ), 20 ); add_action( 'kkart_update_product', array( __CLASS__, 'clear_low_out_of_stock_count_transient' ) ); } /** * Adds fields so that we can store activity panel last read and open times. * * @param array $user_data_fields User data fields. * @return array */ public function add_user_data_fields( $user_data_fields ) { return array_merge( $user_data_fields, array( 'activity_panel_inbox_last_read', 'activity_panel_reviews_last_read', ) ); } /** * Determines if there are out of stock or low stock products. * * @return boolean */ public function has_low_stock_products() { global $wpdb; // Bail early if store does not manage stock, or Woo version < 3.6 needs lookup tables. if ( 'yes' !== get_option( 'kkart_manage_stock' ) || version_compare( get_option( 'kkart_db_version', null ), '3.6', '<' ) ) { return false; } $low_stock_out_of_stock_count = get_transient( self::LOW_STOCK_TRANSIENT_NAME ); if ( false === $low_stock_out_of_stock_count ) { $low_stock_out_of_stock_count = (int) $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT( product_id ) FROM {$wpdb->kkart_product_meta_lookup} AS lookup INNER JOIN {$wpdb->posts} as posts ON lookup.product_id = posts.ID WHERE stock_status IN ( 'onbackorder', 'outofstock' ) AND posts.post_status = 'publish'" ); set_transient( self::LOW_STOCK_TRANSIENT_NAME, $low_stock_out_of_stock_count, HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } return $low_stock_out_of_stock_count > 0; } /** * Clears transient for out of stock indicator * * @return boolean */ public static function clear_low_out_of_stock_count_transient() { delete_transient( self::LOW_STOCK_TRANSIENT_NAME ); return true; } /** * Add alert count to the component settings. * * @param array $settings Component settings. */ public function component_settings( $settings ) { $settings['alertCount'] = Notes::get_notes_count( array( 'error', 'update' ), array( 'unactioned' ) ); $settings['hasLowStock'] = $this->has_low_stock_products(); return $settings; } }