편집 파일: class-kkart-twenty-twenty.php
<?php /** * Twenty Twenty support. * * @since 3.8.1 * @package Kkart\Classes */ use Automattic\Jetpack\Constants; defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; /** * KKART_Twenty_Twenty class. */ class KKART_Twenty_Twenty { /** * Theme init. */ public static function init() { // Change Kkart wrappers. remove_action( 'kkart_before_main_content', 'kkart_output_content_wrapper', 10 ); remove_action( 'kkart_after_main_content', 'kkart_output_content_wrapper_end', 10 ); add_action( 'kkart_before_main_content', array( __CLASS__, 'output_content_wrapper' ), 10 ); add_action( 'kkart_after_main_content', array( __CLASS__, 'output_content_wrapper_end' ), 10 ); // This theme doesn't have a traditional sidebar. remove_action( 'kkart_sidebar', 'kkart_get_sidebar', 10 ); // Enqueue theme compatibility styles. add_filter( 'kkart_enqueue_styles', array( __CLASS__, 'enqueue_styles' ) ); // Register theme features. add_theme_support( 'kkart-product-gallery-zoom' ); add_theme_support( 'kkart-product-gallery-lightbox' ); add_theme_support( 'kkart-product-gallery-slider' ); add_theme_support( 'kkart', array( 'thumbnail_image_width' => 450, 'single_image_width' => 600, ) ); // Background color change. add_action( 'after_setup_theme', array( __CLASS__, 'set_white_background' ), 10 ); } /** * Open the Twenty Twenty wrapper. */ public static function output_content_wrapper() { echo '<section id="primary" class="content-area">'; echo '<main id="main" class="site-main">'; } /** * Close the Twenty Twenty wrapper. */ public static function output_content_wrapper_end() { echo '</main>'; echo '</section>'; } /** * Set background color to white if it's default, otherwise don't touch it. */ public static function set_white_background() { $background = sanitize_hex_color_no_hash( get_theme_mod( 'background_color' ) ); $background_default = 'f5efe0'; // Don't change user's choice of background color. if ( ! empty( $background ) && $background !== $background_default ) { return; } // In case default background is found, change it to white. set_theme_mod( 'background_color', 'fff' ); } /** * Enqueue CSS for this theme. * * @param array $styles Array of registered styles. * @return array */ public static function enqueue_styles( $styles ) { unset( $styles['kkart-general'] ); $styles['kkart-general'] = array( 'src' => str_replace( array( 'http:', 'https:' ), '', KKART()->plugin_url() ) . '/assets/css/twenty-twenty.css', 'deps' => '', 'version' => Constants::get_constant( 'KKART_VERSION' ), 'media' => 'all', 'has_rtl' => true, ); return apply_filters( 'kkart_twenty_twenty_styles', $styles ); } } KKART_Twenty_Twenty::init();