편집 파일: class-kkart-cli-update-command.php
<?php /** * KKART_CLI_Update_Command class file. * * @package Kkart\CLI */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Allows updates via CLI. * * @version 3.0.0 * @package Kkart */ class KKART_CLI_Update_Command { /** * Registers the update command. */ public static function register_commands() { WP_CLI::add_command( 'kkart update', array( 'KKART_CLI_Update_Command', 'update' ) ); } /** * Runs all pending Kkart database updates. */ public static function update() { global $wpdb; $wpdb->hide_errors(); include_once KKART_ABSPATH . 'includes/class-kkart-install.php'; include_once KKART_ABSPATH . 'includes/kkart-update-functions.php'; $current_db_version = get_option( 'kkart_db_version' ); $update_count = 0; $callbacks = KKART_Install::get_db_update_callbacks(); $callbacks_to_run = array(); foreach ( $callbacks as $version => $update_callbacks ) { if ( version_compare( $current_db_version, $version, '<' ) ) { foreach ( $update_callbacks as $update_callback ) { $callbacks_to_run[] = $update_callback; } } } if ( empty( $callbacks_to_run ) ) { // Ensure DB version is set to the current KKART version to match WP-Admin update routine. KKART_Install::update_db_version(); /* translators: %s Database version number */ WP_CLI::success( sprintf( __( 'No updates required. Database version is %s', 'kkart' ), get_option( 'kkart_db_version' ) ) ); return; } /* translators: 1: Number of database updates 2: List of update callbacks */ WP_CLI::log( sprintf( __( 'Found %1$d updates (%2$s)', 'kkart' ), count( $callbacks_to_run ), implode( ', ', $callbacks_to_run ) ) ); $progress = \WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar( __( 'Updating database', 'kkart' ), count( $callbacks_to_run ) ); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.LanguageConstructs.NewLanguageConstructs.t_ns_separatorFound foreach ( $callbacks_to_run as $update_callback ) { call_user_func( $update_callback ); $result = false; while ( $result ) { $result = (bool) call_user_func( $update_callback ); } $update_count ++; $progress->tick(); } $progress->finish(); KKART_Admin_Notices::remove_notice( 'update', true ); /* translators: 1: Number of database updates performed 2: Database version number */ WP_CLI::success( sprintf( __( '%1$d update functions completed. Database version is %2$s', 'kkart' ), absint( $update_count ), get_option( 'kkart_db_version' ) ) ); } }