편집 파일: notes.txt
1) Use utf-8: check this button before installation. 2) make data.zip from Original Downloaded zip i.e. everything except public_html and contents of public_html goes to geeklog.zip 3) Language are available in the data.zip just check if the files are available. 4) PHP REQUIREMENT LINK : https://www.geeklog.net/docs/english/install.html#preinstall 5) Select Mysql with Innodb Support in manual installation. 6) Select "Install with all Plugins" option in manual installation. 7) Remove column insert from `[[dbprefix]]ip_addresses` table. It's made after login. 8) Also in every version check for files to be removed from /docs/removed-files folder. Also check latest release notes if they mention regarding the same (Since 2.2.2)