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<?php // +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | @author: MvnThemes // | @name: Zontal - The Arcade Online HTML5 Game Playing Platform // | @author_email: mvk62015@gmail.com // | @version: 1.0v // +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Zontal - The Arcade Online HTML5 Game Playing Platform // | Copyright (c) 2017 Zontal. All rights reserved. // ?> <?php // include Header ?> <?php include("includes/header.php") ?> <?php // Getting Total Categories ?> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "select * from zon_category"); $count = mysqli_num_rows($run); ?> <?php // Body Start ?> <body class="bg-dark dark:bg-[#121317]"> <?php // include Main Header ?> <?php include("includes/main-h.php") ?> <?php // Categories Container ?> <div class="cat-container px-4 relative mt-4"> <button class="left ml-2 mt-1 w-10 h-10 hidden absolute left-0 rounded-full bg-gray-200 dark:bg-zinc-800 text-gray-700 dark:hover:bg-zinc-700 hover:bg-gray-300 dark:text-white bi-chevron-left"></button> <?php // Categories Loop ?> <div class="cat-item-container scroll-hidden w-full overflow-x-scroll flex gap-4"> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "select * from zon_category"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $site_url ?>game/<?= $row['slug'] ?>" class="py-3 px-4 transition whitespace-nowrap dark:text-gray-300 dark:bg-[#1b1d22] duration-300 mb-2 hover:bg-blue-600 hover:text-gray-100 text-gray-600 text-sm rounded-md bg-gray-200"><?= $row['name'] ?></a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php // Categories Loop End ?> <button class="right h-10 mr-2 mt-0 absolute right-0 top-0 w-10 rounded-full bg-gray-200 dark:bg-zinc-800 text-gray-700 dark:hover:bg-zinc-700 hover:bg-gray-300 dark:text-white bi-chevron-right"></button> </div> <div class="body container-zon mt-3 px-0"> <div class="mx-4"> <?php // First Game Container ?> <div class="grid"> <?php $run_d = mysqli_query($con, "select * from zon_games where game_played > 50 order by id desc limit 1"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run_d)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box large block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full "> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </div> </a> <?php } ?> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "select * from zon_games order by id desc limit 1,63"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl upward cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <div class="card-body absolute w-full h-full "> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="absolute w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </div> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php // First Game Container End ?> <?php // Start Advertisement Area No. 1 ?> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "select * from zon_ads limit 1,1"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <?php if ($row['status'] == 0) { ?> <div class="advertisement flex mt-6 relative overflow-hidden justify-center "> <div class="banner"> <?= $row['code'] ?> </div> </div> <?php } } ?> <?php // End Advertisement Area No. 1 ?> <?php // Showing Games By Category Action ?> <h2 class="heading font-bold text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-800 mt-12 dark:text-gray-200">Action Games</h2> <div class="grid"> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * from zon_games where game_category='Action' && game_played > 50 order by id desc limit 1"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box block relative overflow-hidden large float-right rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </a> <?php } ?> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * from zon_games where game_category='Action' order by id desc limit 54"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box block relative <?php if ($row['game_played'] > 10) { echo "large"; } ?> overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php // End Action Category Games ?> <?php // Start Advertisement Area No. 2 ?> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "select * from zon_ads limit 1,1"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <?php if ($row['status'] == 0) { ?> <div class="advertisement flex mt-6 relative overflow-hidden justify-center "> <div class="banner"> <?= $row['code'] ?> </div> </div> <?php } } ?> <?php // End Start Advertisement Area No. 2 ?> <?php // Games By Categories vise ?> <div class="drill flex resp gap-3"> <div class="w-full"> <div class="heading flex items-center justify-between"> <h2 class="font-bold text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-800 mt-12 dark:text-gray-200">Action Games</h2> <a class="text-gray-400 block mr-12 mt-6" href="<?php echo $site_url ?>game/action">view</a> </div> <?php // Showing Games By Category Action ?> <div class="grid"> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * from zon_games where game_category='Action' order by id desc limit 18"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php // End Action Category Games ?> </div> <?php // Showing Games By Category Shooting ?> <div class="w-full"> <div class="heading flex items-center justify-between"> <h2 class="font-bold text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-800 mt-12 dark:text-gray-200">Shooting Games</h2> <a class="text-gray-400 block mr-12 mt-6" href="<?php echo $site_url ?>game/Shooting">view</a> </div> <div class="grid"> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * from zon_games where game_category='Shooting' order by id desc limit 18"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php // End Shooting Category Games ?> <?php // Showing Games By Category Puzzles ?> <div class="w-full"> <div class="heading flex items-center justify-between"> <h2 class="font-bold text-2xl mb-4 text-gray-800 mt-12 dark:text-gray-200">Puzzles Games</h2> <a class="text-gray-400 block mr-12 mt-6" href="<?php echo $site_url ?>game/puzzles">view</a> </div> <div class="grid"> <?php $run = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * from zon_games where game_category='Puzzles' order by id desc limit 18"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run)) { ?> <a href="single/<?= $row['id'] ?>/<?php $text = $row['game_name']; $lower = strtolower($text); $revspace = str_replace(" ", "-", $lower); echo $revspace; ?>" class="box block relative overflow-hidden rounded-xl overflow-hidden upward {scale-up} cursor-pointer transition duration-300 overlay"> <img src="<?= $row['game_image_url'] ?>" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="<?= $row['game_name'] ?>"> <h2 style="z-index: 9;" class="text-white absolute bottom-0 left-0 px-2 py-2"><?= $row['game_name'] ?></h2> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php // End Puzzles Category Games ?> </div> <?php // End Games By Categories vise ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php // Include Footer ?> <?php include("includes/footer.php") ?> </body> <?php // Body End ?> </html>