편집 파일: TestRedis.php
<?php define('PHPREDIS_TESTRUN', true); require_once __DIR__ . "/TestSuite.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/RedisTest.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/RedisArrayTest.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/RedisClusterTest.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/RedisSentinelTest.php"; function getClassArray($classes) { $result = []; if ( ! is_array($classes)) $classes = [$classes]; foreach ($classes as $class) { $result = array_merge($result, explode(',', $class)); } return array_unique( array_map(function ($v) { return strtolower($v); }, $result ) ); } function getTestClass($class) { $valid_classes = [ 'redis' => 'Redis_Test', 'redisarray' => 'Redis_Array_Test', 'rediscluster' => 'Redis_Cluster_Test', 'redissentinel' => 'Redis_Sentinel_Test' ]; /* Return early if the class is one of our built-in ones */ if (isset($valid_classes[$class])) return $valid_classes[$class]; /* Try to load it */ return TestSuite::loadTestClass($class); } function raHosts($host, $ports) { if ( ! is_array($ports)) $ports = [6379, 6380, 6381, 6382]; return array_map(function ($port) use ($host) { return sprintf("%s:%d", $host, $port); }, $ports); } /* Make sure errors go to stdout and are shown */ error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set( 'display_errors','1'); /* Grab options */ $opt = getopt('', ['host:', 'port:', 'class:', 'test:', 'nocolors', 'user:', 'auth:']); /* The test class(es) we want to run */ $classes = getClassArray($opt['class'] ?? 'redis'); $colorize = !isset($opt['nocolors']); /* Get our test filter if provided one */ $filter = $opt['test'] ?? NULL; /* Grab override host/port if it was passed */ $host = $opt['host'] ?? ''; $port = $opt['port'] ?? 6379; /* Get optional username and auth (password) */ $user = $opt['user'] ?? NULL; $auth = $opt['auth'] ?? NULL; if ($user && $auth) { $auth = [$user, $auth]; } else if ($user && ! $auth) { echo TestSuite::make_warning("User passed without a password!\n"); } /* Toggle colorization in our TestSuite class */ TestSuite::flagColorization($colorize); /* Let the user know this can take a bit of time */ echo "Note: these tests might take up to a minute. Don't worry :-)\n"; echo "Using PHP version " . PHP_VERSION . " (" . (PHP_INT_SIZE * 8) . " bits)\n"; foreach ($classes as $class) { $class = getTestClass($class); /* Depending on the classes being tested, run our tests on it */ echo "Testing class "; if ($class == 'Redis_Array_Test') { echo TestSuite::make_bold("RedisArray") . "\n"; $full_ring = raHosts($host, $port); $sub_ring = array_slice($full_ring, 0, -1); echo TestSuite::make_bold("Full Ring: ") . implode(' ', $full_ring) . "\n"; echo TestSuite::make_bold(" New Ring: ") . implode(' ', $sub_ring) . "\n"; foreach([true, false] as $useIndex) { echo "\n". ($useIndex ? "WITH" : "WITHOUT") . " per-node index:\n"; /* The various RedisArray subtests we can run */ $test_classes = [ 'Redis_Array_Test', 'Redis_Rehashing_Test', 'Redis_Auto_Rehashing_Test', 'Redis_Multi_Exec_Test', 'Redis_Distributor_Test' ]; foreach ($test_classes as $test_class) { /* Run until we encounter a failure */ if (run_ra_tests($test_class, $filter, $host, $full_ring, $sub_ring, $auth) != 0) { exit(1); } } } } else { echo TestSuite::make_bold($class) . "\n"; if (TestSuite::run("$class", $filter, $host, $port, $auth)) exit(1); } } /* Success */ exit(0); ?>