편집 파일: session-005.phpt
--TEST-- MongoDB\Driver\Session spec test: snapshot option requires MongoDB 5.0+ --DESCRIPTION-- PHPC-1876: Raise client error for snapshot sessions on <5.0 servers --SKIPIF-- <?php require __DIR__ . "/../utils/basic-skipif.inc"; ?> <?php skip_if_not_libmongoc_crypto(); ?> <?php skip_if_not_live(); ?> <?php skip_if_server_version('>=', '5.0'); ?> --FILE-- <?php require_once __DIR__ . "/../utils/basic.inc"; $manager = create_test_manager(); $session = $manager->startSession(['snapshot' => true]); /* Note: executeBulkWrite() always throws a BulkWriteException. Any previous * exception's message will be included in the BulkWriteException message. */ echo "\nTesting executeBulkWrite()\n"; echo throws(function() use ($manager, $session) { $bulk = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite(); $bulk->insert(['x' => 1]); $manager->executeBulkWrite(NS, $bulk, ['session' => $session]); }, MongoDB\Driver\Exception\BulkWriteException::class), "\n"; echo "\nTesting executeCommand()\n"; echo throws(function() use ($manager, $session) { $command = new MongoDB\Driver\Command(['ping' => 1]); $manager->executeCommand(DATABASE_NAME, $command, ['session' => $session]); }, MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException::class), "\n"; echo "\nTesting executeQuery()\n"; echo throws(function() use ($manager, $session) { $query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query([]); $manager->executeQuery(NS, $query, ['session' => $session]); }, MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException::class), "\n"; ?> ===DONE=== <?php exit(0); ?> --EXPECT-- Testing executeBulkWrite() OK: Got MongoDB\Driver\Exception\BulkWriteException Bulk write failed due to previous MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException: Snapshot reads require MongoDB 5.0 or later Testing executeCommand() OK: Got MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException Snapshot reads require MongoDB 5.0 or later Testing executeQuery() OK: Got MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException Snapshot reads require MongoDB 5.0 or later ===DONE===