편집 파일: misc.cpython-37.pyc
B �A�[� � @ s d dl mZ d dlZd dlZd dlmZ d dlmZmZ er�d dl Z dd� Z d dlmZ dd � Zd d� Zd dlmZ d d� ZeZd dlmZ eZeZeZnJd dlZej Z ejZejZejZejZejZejZejZejZejZejZer�ddd�Ze�rdd ddddddddg Zng ZdS )� )�unicode_literalsN)�Mapping)�PY3�exec_c O s | ||�S )N� )�f�args�kwr r �C/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/past/builtins/misc.py�apply s r )�strc C s t t| f��S )zU Return a byte-string of one character with ordinal i; 0 <= i <= 256 )�oldstr�bytes)�ir r r �chr s r c C s | |k| |k S )zf cmp(x, y) -> integer Return negative if x<y, zero if x==y, positive if x>y. r )�x�yr r r �cmp s r )�internc C s dt �| �dd� S )zUoct(number) -> string Return the octal representation of an integer �0� N)�builtins�oct)�numberr r r r ! s r )�reloadc C s� |dkr*t �� d }|d j}|d j}n|dkr6|}t|t�sHtd��t|t�sZtd��t| d��}|�� }W dQ R X t || d�}t |||� dS )z� Read and execute a Python script from a file in the given namespaces. The globals and locals are dictionaries, defaulting to the current globals and locals. If only globals is given, locals defaults to it. N� r zglobals must be a mappingzlocals must be a mappingZrbU�exec)�inspect�stack� f_globals�f_locals� isinstancer � TypeError�open�read�compiler )�filenameZ myglobalsZmylocalsZcaller_frameZfin�source�coder r r �execfile= s r) r � raw_inputr �unichr�unicode�xrange)NN)� __future__r �sysr �collectionsr Zfuture.utilsr r r r Z past.builtinsr r r r r r �inputr* �impr r, r+ �ranger- Z__builtin__r) �__all__r r r r �<module> sF