편집 파일: plugin_sysctl.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc
3 �<�e� � @ s� d dl Z ddlmZ ddlT d dlZd dlT d dlmZ d dl j Z d dlZd dlZej j� ZddgZdd gZG d d� dej�ZdS )� N� )�base)�*)�commandsZbase_reachable_timeZretrans_timez /run/sysctl.dz /etc/sysctl.dc s� e Zd ZdZ� fdd�Zdd� Zdd� Zdd � Zd d� Ze j fdd �Zdd� Zdd� Z dd� Zdd� Zdd� Zddd�Z� ZS )�SysctlPluginaI `sysctl`:: Sets various kernel parameters at runtime. + This plug-in is used for applying custom `sysctl` settings and should only be used to change system settings that are not covered by other *TuneD* plug-ins. If the settings are covered by other *TuneD* plug-ins, use those plug-ins instead. + The syntax for this plug-in is `_key_=_value_`, where `_key_` is the same as the key name provided by the `sysctl` utility. + .Adjusting the kernel runtime kernel.sched_min_granularity_ns value ==== ---- [sysctl] kernel.sched_min_granularity_ns=3000000 ---- ==== c s$ t t| �j||� d| _t� | _d S )NT)�superr �__init__Z_has_dynamic_optionsr �_cmd)�self�args�kwargs)� __class__� �#/usr/lib/python3.6/plugin_sysctl.pyr * s zSysctlPlugin.__init__c C sh d|_ d|_| j|j�}| jj|i �|_t|j�dkr\tj d� | j |� i |_| jj|� |j|_ d S )NFTr z0recovering old sysctl settings from previous run)Z_has_dynamic_tuningZ_has_static_tuning�_storage_key�name�_storage�get�_sysctl_original�len�log�info�_instance_unapply_static�unsetZoptions�_sysctl)r �instance�storage_keyr r r �_instance_init/ s zSysctlPlugin._instance_initc C s | j |j�}| jj|� d S )N)r r r r )r r r r r r �_instance_cleanup? s zSysctlPlugin._instance_cleanupc C s� xzt |jj� �D ]h\}}| j|�}|d kr:tjd| � q| jj| jj |��}| j ||�}|d k r||j|<