편집 파일: config_provider.py
import json import logging import os import pwd from abc import abstractmethod from contextlib import suppress from textwrap import dedent from typing import Mapping, Optional, Protocol import sentry_sdk import yaml from defence360agent.utils import atomic_rewrite logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Don't read config if its file is larger than this. _MAX_CONFIG_SIZE = 1 << 20 # 1MiB class IConfigProvider(Protocol): @abstractmethod def read_config_file( self, force_read: bool = False, ignore_errors: bool = True ): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def write_config_file(self, config: Mapping) -> None: raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def modified_since(self, timestamp: Optional[float]) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError class ConfigError(Exception): pass class JsonMessage: """Pretty-print given *obj* as JSON. To be used for logging. Example: logging.info("object: %s", JsonMessage(obj)) """ def __init__(self, obj): self._obj = obj def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self._obj, sort_keys=True) def diff_section(prev_section: Optional[dict], section: Optional[dict]): """Return difference between config sections.""" prev_section = prev_section or {} section = section or {} removed_settings = prev_section.keys() - section.keys() added_settings = section.keys() - prev_section.keys() return { "-": {v: prev_section[v] for v in removed_settings}, "+": {v: section[v] for v in added_settings}, # modified settings "?": { v: (prev_section[v], section[v]) for v in (prev_section.keys() & section.keys()) if prev_section[v] != section[v] }, } def diff_config(prev_conf: dict, conf: dict): """Compare *prev_conf* with the current *conf*.""" removed_sections = prev_conf.keys() - conf.keys() yield {section: prev_conf[section] for section in removed_sections} added_sections = conf.keys() - prev_conf.keys() yield {section: conf[section] for section in added_sections} # changed sections yield { section: diff_section(prev_conf[section], conf[section]) for section in (prev_conf.keys() & conf.keys()) if prev_conf[section] != conf[section] } def exclude_equals(*, main_conf: dict, base_conf: dict) -> dict: """ Return dict derived from *main_conf* excluding parts that are equal in *base_conf*. For example, >>> base_conf = { "SECTION1": {"OPTION1": "default", "OPTION2": "default"}, "SECTION2": {"OPTION1": "default"} } >>> main_conf = { "SECTION1": {"OPTION1": "value", "OPTION2": "default"}, "SECTION2": {"OPTION1": "default"} } >>> >>> exclude_equals(main_conf=main_conf, base_conf=base_conf) {'SECTION1': {'OPTION1': 'value'}} >>> """ _, added, changed = diff_config(base_conf, main_conf) result = {} for section, value in main_conf.items(): if section in added.keys(): result[section] = value if section in changed.keys(): result.setdefault(section, {}).update(changed[section]["+"]) result.setdefault(section, {}).update( {k: v[1] for k, v in changed[section]["?"].items()} ) return result class ConfigReader: """ ConfigFile file for settings page. Location config file is PATH """ def __init__(self, path, disclaimer="", permissions=None): self.path = path self.disclaimer = disclaimer self.permissions = permissions def __repr__(self): return "<{classname}({path})>".format( classname=self.__class__.__qualname__, path=self.path ) def __str__(self): return f"ConfigReader at {self.path}" def read_config_file( self, force_read: bool = False, ignore_errors: bool = True ) -> dict: """Read config file into memory. Raises ConfigError. """ try: if os.path.getsize(self.path) > _MAX_CONFIG_SIZE: raise ConfigError("Config file is too large") filename = self.path with open(filename, "r") as config_file: logger.info("Reading config file %s", filename) text = config_file.read() except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise ConfigError("Unable to decode config file") from e except FileNotFoundError: return {} try: return self.load_config_body(text) except ConfigError as e: logger.error(e) if ignore_errors: return {} raise e def load_config_body(self, text: str) -> dict: try: config = yaml.safe_load(text) except yaml.YAMLError as e: raise ConfigError( f"Imunify360 config is not valid YAML document ({e})" ) from e if config is None: return {} if not isinstance(config, dict): raise ConfigError( "Imunify360 config is invalid or empty" ": path={!r}, text={!r}".format(self.path, text) ) return config def _pre_write(self): pass def _post_write(self): pass def write_config_file(self, config) -> str: self._pre_write() config_text = "" if self.disclaimer: config_text += dedent(self.disclaimer) config_text += "\n" config_text += yaml.dump(config, default_flow_style=False) atomic_rewrite( self.path, config_text, backup=False, permissions=self.permissions ) self._post_write() return config_text def modified_since(self, timestamp: Optional[float]) -> bool: return True class CachedConfigReader(ConfigReader): def __init__(self, path, disclaimer="", permissions=None): super().__init__(path, disclaimer) self.mtime: Optional[float] = None self.size: Optional[float] = None self._config = {} self.permissions = permissions def __str__(self): return ( "{classname} <'{path}', modified at {mtime}, {size} bytes>".format( classname=self.__class__.__qualname__, path=self.path, mtime=self.mtime, size=self.size, ) ) def read_config_file( self, force_read: bool = False, ignore_errors: bool = True ): """Update config if config file is modified""" if self.modified_since(self.mtime) or force_read: prev_config = self._config try: self._config = super().read_config_file( ignore_errors=ignore_errors ) except ConfigError as error: sentry_sdk.capture_exception(error) logger.warning( "%s is invalid, using previous settings: %s", self, JsonMessage(self._config), ) if not ignore_errors: raise error else: if self.mtime is not None: # don't log on startup diffs = list(diff_config(prev_config, self._config)) if any(diffs): # content has changed, log it logger.info( "%s modified: removed=%s, added=%s, changed=%s", self, *map(JsonMessage, diffs), ) try: stat = os.stat(self.path) self.mtime = stat.st_mtime self.size = stat.st_size except FileNotFoundError: self.mtime = 0.0 self.size = 0.0 return self._config def modified_since(self, timestamp: Optional[float]) -> bool: """Whether the config has updated since *timestamp*. (as defined by its last modification time and size) :param timestamp: None means that the file has never been read before """ # On startup consider timestamp to be None if timestamp is None: timestamp = 0.0 try: stat = os.stat(self.path) except FileNotFoundError: st_mtime, st_size = 0.0, 0.0 else: st_mtime, st_size = stat.st_mtime, stat.st_size return st_mtime > timestamp or st_size != self.size class WriteOnlyConfigReader(CachedConfigReader): def read_config_file(self, *_, **__): return self._config def write_config_file(self, config): config_text = super().write_config_file(config) self._config = self.load_config_body(config_text) return config_text class UserConfigReader(CachedConfigReader): def __init__(self, path, username): super().__init__(path) self.username = username def __str__(self): return f"Config of user {self.username}" def _pre_write(self): confdir = os.path.dirname(self.path) with suppress(FileExistsError): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(self.path)) os.chown(confdir, 0, pwd.getpwnam(self.username).pw_gid) os.chmod(confdir, 0o750) def _post_write(self): os.chown(self.path, 0, pwd.getpwnam(self.username).pw_gid) os.chmod(self.path, 0o640)