편집 파일: manager.cpython-311.pyc
� b��f� � �f � d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z m Z ddlmZ G d � d e� � Z dS )zR This module contains continuous tracing manager, aimed to enable|disable tracing � )�urlparse)�gettext� )�ContinuousCommon� )� XRayError�XRayManagerExit)� timestampc � � e Zd ZdZededefd�� � Zdedededdfd�Zdeddfd �Zdeddfd �Z deddfd�Z dededdfd �Zd� ZdS )�ContinuousManagerz; enable|disable|start|stop|list continuous tracing �url�returnc � � t | � � }|j � dd� � }|� d� � d }|j � d|� �S )zW Leaves only domain path of URL, without www. prefix and :port postfix zwww.� �:r z://)r �netloc�replace�split�scheme)r � fragments�_no_www_netloc�_no_port_netlocs �N/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/xray/continuous/manager.py�url_sanitizezContinuousManager.url_sanitize sV � � �S�M�M� �"�)�1�1�&�"�=�=��(�.�.�s�3�3�A�6���"�8�8��8�8�8� �domain�emailNc �� � || j vr1t � � || � |� � |ddd�| j |<