편집 파일: _virtualenv.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f � �n � d Z ddlZddlZej � e� � Zd� ZdZej dk r2 G d� d� � Z ej � d e � � � � dS ddl mZ dd lmZmZ G d � dee� � Z G d� d ee� � Zej � e� � � � dS )z>Patches that are applied at runtime to the virtual environment� Nc �B �� | j j ��fd�}|| j _ dS )a Distutils allows user to configure some arguments via a configuration file: https://docs.python.org/3/install/index.html#distutils-configuration-files Some of this arguments though don't make sense in context of the virtual environment files, let's fix them up. c � �� �| g|�R i |��}| � d� � }d|v r3t t j � t j � � f|d<