편집 파일: util.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f�F � �P � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddlmZ ddl mZ ddlmZmZ ddlmZ d� Zd � Zej d k rdadZd� Zd � Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zej d� � � Zd� Z d� Z!d d�Z"dxa#xa$a%d� Z&d� Z'd!d�Z(d� Z) d"d�Z*d� Z+d� Z,dS )#zudistutils.util Miscellaneous utility functions -- anything that doesn't fit into one of the other *util.py modules. � N� )�log)�newer)�DistutilsByteCompileError�DistutilsPlatformError)�spawnc � � t j dk r_t j dk rOt t d� � r:t j � � \ } }}}}| dd� dk rddlm} || ||� � S t j � � S ) z� Return a string that identifies the current platform. Use this function to distinguish platform-specific build directories and platform-specific built distributions. )� � �posix�unameNr �aixr )�aix_platform) �sys�version_info�os�name�hasattrr �compat.py38r � sysconfig�get_platform)�osname�host�release�version�machiner s �Q/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/util.py�get_host_platformr s� � � ��&� � � �7�g���'�"�g�"6�"6��68�h�j�j�3�F�D�'�7�G��b�q�b�z�U�"�"�5�5�5�5�5�5�#�|�F�G�W�=�=�=��!�#�#�#� c �� � t j dk rIddddd�} t j � d� � }| � |� � p t � � S t � � S )N�nt�win32z win-amd64z win-arm32z win-arm64)�x86�x64�arm�arm64�VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH)r r �environ�getr )�TARGET_TO_PLAT�targets r r r - sg � � �w�$������ � � �� ���� 4�5�5���!�!�&�)�)�@�->�-@�-@�@����r �darwin�MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGETc � � da dS )zFor testing only. Do not call.N)�_syscfg_macosx_ver� r r �_clear_cached_macosx_verr1 ? s � � ���r c �` � t �!ddlm} | j t � � pd}|r|a t S )z�Get the version of macOS latched in the Python interpreter configuration. Returns the version as a string or None if can't obtain one. Cached.Nr )r � )r/ � distutilsr �get_config_var�MACOSX_VERSION_VAR)r �vers r �!get_macosx_target_ver_from_syscfgr8 E sH � � �!�'�'�'�'�'�'�&�i�&�'9�:�:�@�b��� %�!$���r c � � t � � } t j � t � � }|rQ| rMt | � � ddgk r8t |� � ddgk r#dt z d|� d| � d�z }t |� � �|S | S )a Return the version of macOS for which we are building. The target version defaults to the version in sysconfig latched at time the Python interpreter was built, unless overridden by an environment variable. If neither source has a value, then None is returned� r �$z mismatch: now "z" but "z*" during configure; must use 10.3 or later)r8 r r( r) r6 � split_versionr )� syscfg_ver�env_ver�my_msgs r �get_macosx_target_verr@ R s� � � 3�4�4�J��j�n�n�/�0�0�G�� � � 1��j�)�)�b�!�W�4�4��g�&�&�"�a��0�0� �(�(� ,)��,)� ,)�(2�,)� ,)� ,)� )� � )��0�0�0����r c �@ � d� | � d� � D � � S )zEConvert a dot-separated string into a list of numbers for comparisonsc �, � g | ]}t |� � ��S r0 )�int)�.0�ns r � <listcomp>z!split_version.<locals>.<listcomp>t s � �)�)�)�q�C��F�F�)�)�)r �.)�split)�ss r r<