편집 파일: config.yml.tt
version: 2.1 jobs: build: docker: - image: ruby:<%= RUBY_VERSION %> <%- if config[:ext] == 'rust' -%> environment: RB_SYS_FORCE_INSTALL_RUST_TOOLCHAIN: 'true' <%- end -%> steps: - checkout <%- if config[:ext] == 'rust' -%> - run: name: Install Rust/Cargo dependencies command: apt-get update && apt-get install -y clang - run: name: Install a RubyGems version that can compile rust extensions command: gem update --system '<%= ::Gem.rubygems_version %>' <%- end -%> - run: name: Run the default task command: | gem install bundler -v <%= Bundler::VERSION %> bundle install bundle exec rake