편집 파일: config.ru
require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../testrequest" $stderr = File.open("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/log_output", "w") class EnvMiddleware def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) # provides a way to test that lint is present if env["PATH_INFO"] == "/broken_lint" return [200, {}, ["Broken Lint"]] # provides a way to kill the process without knowing the pid elsif env["PATH_INFO"] == "/die" exit! end env["test.$DEBUG"] = $DEBUG env["test.$EVAL"] = BUKKIT if defined?(BUKKIT) env["test.$VERBOSE"] = $VERBOSE env["test.$LOAD_PATH"] = $LOAD_PATH env["test.stderr"] = File.expand_path($stderr.path) env["test.Ping"] = defined?(Ping) env["test.pid"] = Process.pid @app.call(env) end end use EnvMiddleware run TestRequest.new