편집 파일: sdist.cpython-311.pyc
� �Re� � � � d dl Z d dlmZmZmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ d dl m Z d dlmZ d dl mZ d dlmZ e j e� � Z G d � d e� � ZdS )� N)�Iterable�Set�Tuple)�BuildEnvironment)�AbstractDistribution)�InstallationError)� PackageFinder)�BaseDistribution)�runner_with_spinner_messagec � � e Zd ZdZdefd�Zdededdfd�Zdeddfd�Z de e fd �Zde e fd �Z deddfd�Zded eeeef ddfd�ZdS )�SourceDistributionz�Represents a source distribution. The preparation step for these needs metadata for the packages to be generated, either using PEP 517 or using the legacy `setup.py egg_info`. �returnc �R � ddl m} || j � � � � � S )Nr )�Distribution)�$pip._internal.metadata.pkg_resourcesr �req�get_dist)�self�_Dists ��/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python311-pip-21.3.1-3.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/sdist.py�get_metadata_distributionz,SourceDistribution.get_metadata_distribution s2 � �N�N�N�N�N�N��u�T�X�&�&�(�(�)�)�)� �finder�build_isolationNc � � | j � � � | j j o|}|rC| � |� � | j � � � | � |� � | j � � � d S )N)r �load_pyproject_toml� use_pep517�_prepare_build_backend�isolated_editable_sanity_check�_install_build_reqs�prepare_metadata)r r r �should_isolates r �prepare_distribution_metadataz0SourceDistribution.prepare_distribution_metadata s� � � ��$�$�&�&�&� ��,�@���� -� �'�'��/�/�/� �H�3�3�5�5�5��$�$�V�,�,�,���!�!�#�#�#�#�#r c � � | j j }|�J �t � � | j _ | j j � ||dd� � | j j � | j j � � \ }}|r| � d|� � |rpt � d| j � � t � dd� t t t |� � � � � � � � d S d S )N�overlayzInstalling build dependenciesz"PEP 517/518 supported requirementsz4Missing build requirements in pyproject.toml for %s.z`The project does not specify a build backend, and pip cannot fall back to setuptools without %s.z and )r �pyproject_requiresr � build_env�install_requirements�check_requirements�requirements_to_check�_raise_conflicts�logger�warning�join�map�repr�sorted)r r r&