편집 파일: input.cpython-36.pyc
3 w�pe�� � @ s. d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dl Z d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dl Z d dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ ddddd gZd dgZdd dddddgZe� ai Zi Zdd� Zddddd ddddddddd dd!d"d#d$d%d&d'gZg add(dd d)dd*dd!d#d&gZd+adad�d,d-�Zd.d/� Z d0d1� Z!d2d3� Z"d4d5� Z#d6d7� Z$d8d9� Z%d:d;� Z&d<d=� Z'G d>d?� d?e(�Z)G d@dA� dA�Z*dBdC� Z+edD�Z,dEdFdGdH�Z-dIdJ� Z.dKdL� Z/ej0dM�Z1ej0dN�Z2ej0dO�Z3i Z4dPdQ� Z5d Z6dRZ7dSZ8dTdU� Z9i Z:dVdW� Z;dXdY� Z<dZd[� Z=d\d]� Z>d^d_� Z?d�d`da�Z@dbdc� ZAddde� ZBdfdg� ZCdhdi� ZDdjdk� ZEdldm� ZFdndo� ZGdpdq� ZHdrds� ZIG dtdu� du�ZJdvdw� ZKdxdy� ZLdzd{� ZMd|d}� ZNej0d~�ZOdd�� ZPd�d�d��ZQd�d�� ZRd�d�� ZSd�d�� ZTd�d�� ZUd�d�� ZVd�d�� ZWd�d�� ZXd�d�� ZYd�d�� ZZd�d�� Z[d�d�� Z\d�d�� Z]d�d�� Z^d�d�� Z_d�d�� Z`dS )�� N)� StrictVersion)�GypError)� OrderedSet� executable�shared_library�loadable_module�mac_kernel_extension�windows_driver�dependencies�export_dependent_settingsZdestination�filesZinclude_dirs�inputsZ librariesZoutputs�sourcesc C s� x$| r$| d d � dkr$| d d� } qW | t kr2dS d| kr�| dd � }|d dkr^|d d� }|dd � dkrrdS |dd � dkS dS )N� z=+?!T�_� �s� �_file�_path� Z_dirF���r i����r r ���)r r ���)� path_sections)Zsection�tail� r � /input.py� IsPathSection8 s r �actions�configurationsZcopies�default_configuration�dependencies_originalZ postbuildsZproduct_dirZproduct_extensionZproduct_nameZproduct_prefix�rules�run_as�standalone_static_library�suppress_wildcard�target_name�toolset�toolsets�type� variables�all_dependent_settings�direct_dependent_settings� link_settingsFc C sL |dkrg }| |kr|S |j | � x$|| jdg �D ]}t|||� q4W |S )a Return a list of all build files included into build_file_path. The returned list will contain build_file_path as well as all other files that it included, either directly or indirectly. Note that the list may contain files that were included into a conditional section that evaluated to false and was not merged into build_file_path's dict. aux_data is a dict containing a key for each build file or included build file. Those keys provide access to dicts whose "included" keys contain lists of all other files included by the build file. included should be left at its default None value by external callers. It is used for recursion. The returned list will not contain any duplicate entries. Each build file in the list will be relative to the current directory. N�included)�append�get�GetIncludedBuildFiles)�build_file_path�aux_datar/ Zincluded_build_filer r r r2 � s r2 c C sT t j| �}t|t j�st�|j}t|�dks0t�|d }t|t j�sHt�t|j g �S )z�Return the eval of a gyp file. The gyp file is restricted to dictionaries and lists only, and repeated keys are not allowed. Note that this is slower than eval() is. r r ) �ast�parse� isinstanceZModule�AssertionErrorZbody�lenZExpr� CheckNode�value)Z file_contentsZsyntax_treeZc1Zc2r r r �CheckedEval� s r<