편집 파일: MSVSUserFile.cpython-36.pyc
3 w�pe� � @ sH d Z ddlZddlZddlZddljZdd� Zdd� ZG dd� d�ZdS ) z+Visual Studio user preferences file writer.� Nc C sh d| ksd| kr| S t jjdd�jt j�}x8|D ]0}t jj|| �}t jj|�r0t j|t j �r0|S q0W | S )a{ If there are no slashes in the command given, this function searches the PATH env to find the given command, and converts it to an absolute path. We have to do this because MSVS is looking for an actual file to launch a debugger on, not just a command line. Note that this happens at GYP time, so anything needing to be built needs to have a full path.�/�\�PATH� ) �os�environ�get�split�pathsep�path�join�isfile�access�X_OK)�command�pathsr �item� r �/MSVSUserFile.py�_FindCommandInPath s r c C s\ g }xR| D ]J}|j d�dkr6dj|jd��}d| }ntjd|�rJd| }|j|� q W |S )N�"� z""z"%s"z[ \t\n]���)�findr r �re�search�append)�argsZnew_args�argr r r �_QuoteWin32CommandLineArgs'